Finial Wing

Graphics & Illustration


Hand Written Letters

Digital Submissions

Susan Sutton

musician / composer

Original music book production and development.

I have had the extreme pleasure of working with Elizabeth Mentelos on my "Book of Musical Compositions", a project that I have been working on for many years.
Not only was Elizabeth skilled in all the details of putting together a project such as this, but was helpful and crucial in finding any problems, figuring out solutions, proofreading and in general putting the extra care in the completion of this project, so important to me. Without her patience, suggestions and sincere care, I wouldn't have been able to finish, print and publish my book. She has taught me many things that I will be able to use for my next project, and gave me the confidence to forge forward.

I will be forever grateful to Elizabeth for the fantastic job she has done for me and with me.
Thank you Elizabeth!

Finialwing © Elizabeth Mentelos 2020